in vitroprocedure intensity applied was 0. the guidelines of the Canadian Council on Animal Care and the study was approved by Animal Welfare Committee at the University of Alberta. Before the procedure, the rats were allowed to acclimatize for a period of 7 days. The rats were housed in pairs in clean cages and were allowed free access to the standard commercial rat chow (Lab Diet, St. Louis, MO, USA) and tap water. The rats were randomly divided Duloxetine into 5 groups (= 3). Group 1 was the control, Group 2 was injected with blank plasmid (25?Utest was used. The mean and standard deviation are presented in the bar graph for each variable. Statistical significance level was set at 0.05. 3. Results No inflammation or irritation was noted at the injection site. No reduction in weight was noticed during the treatment phase. 3.1. Anthropometric Analysis Linear Duloxetine measurements of Condyle-GoT (ramal height, ACD), men-GP (mandibular base, B-C), and the condylar point-mandibular foramen (condylar process, ACE) showed statistically significant increase in the LIPUS. In Physique 3, there is significant difference between control and LIPUS treated group and control and bFGF group ( 0.05). Ramal height (ACD) showed statistical increase in all the treatment groups compared to the control group ( 0.05). There is also significant difference between bFGF and LIPUS groups (Physique 4). Men-GP (B-C) Duloxetine showed statistical significant increase in the LIPUS group compared to the control group ( 0.05) and compared to bFGF group ( 0.05). Also, men-GP (B-C) showed statistically significant difference between control and bFGF + LIPUS group (Physique 5) while the linear measurement of the condylar point-men (length of the mandible, A-B) showed no statistically significant difference (data not shown). Overall, by comparing the means of the groups, LIPUS treated group showed the maximum increase in the anthropometric measurement followed by the combination treatment of bFGF + LIPUS followed by bFGF treated group. Open in a separate window Physique 3 The bar chart of the length of the condylar process (ACE) among the five groups showing Rabbit Polyclonal to RPS11 increase in the length in the LIPUS treated group * = 0.05. Open in a separate window Physique 4 The bar chart of the ramal height (ACD) of the mandible among the five groups showing increase in the height from Duloxetine the mandible in LIPUS treated group * = 0.05. Open up in another window Body 5 The club chart from the Men-GP (B-C) from the mandible among the five groupings displaying upsurge in the elevation from the mandible in LIPUS treated group * = 0.05. 3.2. Micro-CT Evaluation Of all variables assessed in the Micro-CT evaluation, only bone tissue volume fraction demonstrated factor among all of the five groupings ( 0.05) (Figure 6). Alternatively, bone tissue volume and BMD showed no significant results ( 0.05). By comparing the means of bone volume and BMD of the groups, the combination treatment of bFGF + LIPUS showed the highest mean followed by bFGF group and LIPUS treated group (Table 2). Open in a separate window Physique 6 The bar chart of the bone volume portion of the mandible condyle showing increase in bone volume portion in the combination group (bFGF + LIPUS) * = 0.05. Table 2 Mean and standard deviation of BMD and bone volume. 0.05. Open in a separate window Physique 9 The bar chart depicts the result for the hypertrophic cell count of the condyle showing increase in the cell number in the bFGF treated group * 0.05. Open in a separate window Physique 10 The bar chart depicts the result for the width of the proliferative layer of the condyle showing increase in the width in the bFGF treated group * = .